BEad TOGETHER Zoom event

BSNC is hosting virtual BEadTOGETHERs.

We’ve really missed you!
We are now hosting two BEadTOGETHERs a month on Zoom! 
Please join us the first and third Sundays of each month, from 1:00-3:00.

Our goal is to join together as a community and just spend some time beading together. Like most organizations during these difficult times, we are continuing with Zoom®, for now. 

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To prepare, please go to and follow the directions to access Zoom®. Sadly, BSNC can not provide tech support.

Please RSVP to I will send out the Zoom® meeting information prior to each BEad TOGETHER  and follow up with a reminder. Spaces are limited, so please RSVP early.

Virtual BEadTOGETHER:First & Third Sundays, each month, 1:00-3:00.
I’m looking forward to beading with you!

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