Event Series:
BEad Together (1st Sunday)
BEad Together (1st Sunday)
May 4 @ 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

We are now hosting two BEad TOGETHERs a month on Zoom!
Please join us the first and third Sundays of each month, from 1:00-3:00.
Our goal is to join together as a community and just spend some time beading together. Like most organizations during these difficult times, we are continuing with Zoom®, for now.
To prepare, please go to https://zoom.us/ and follow the directions to access Zoom®. Sadly, BSNC can not provide tech support.
Please RSVP to judysinclair@beadsocietyofnorcal.org. I will send out the Zoom® meeting information prior to each BEad TOGETHER and follow up with a reminder. Spaces are limited, so please RSVP early.
Virtual BEad TOGETHER:First & Third Sundays, each month, 1:00-3:00.