Janice Peacock

October 18, 2022, Janice Peacock will share her knowledge about the fascinating art of micromosaic jewelry. For centuries, Italian artists have assembled slices of lampworked glass to create highly detailed miniature mosaics. Inspired by the beauty and technical challenges of creating these miniature works of art, Janice has spent the last three years researching micromosaics. She’s used that knowledge as well as many months of experimentation to develop her own techniques for making micromosaic jewelry. Her talk is part history lesson, part travelogue, and a whole lot of gorgeous images of micromosaic glass jewelry.

Speaker Bio: Janice Peacock has been making glass beads since 1992 and is known for her mask and vessel beads, which have an ancient look and feel. Recently she has been creating sand-cast glass sculptures and delving into miniature-scale work with her micromosaic glass jewelry. Janice’s work can be found in the permanent collections of the Tacoma Museum of Glass and the Corning Museum of Glass.

She is also the author of the Glass Bead Mystery Series and the Ruby Shaw Mysteries. Connect with Janice online at @JanPeac on social media and www.janicepeacock.com.

Speaker: Janice Peacock

When: October 18, 2022, 7:00 PM PDT

Where: Zoom

Free to members, $5 for non-members. RSVP to Judy Sinclair by Monday, September 19, to sign up and receive the Zoom Link

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