Rose Hammock

November 15, 2022 Speaker

Rose has been making a combination of traditional and contemporary beadwork for the last four years. Bead work allows her to express her creativity while tapping into a deep connection with her family’s cultural knowledge and practices.

Staying rooted in culture, Rose utilizes gathering and working with pine nuts, abalone, and clam shells. Turning to contemporary beading, she utilizes modern hooks, string, and colorful glass seed beads. When she lost her mother to a sudden illness, she used her culture as healing.

Rose has been around traditional arts all of her life, with many aunts, uncles, and grandparents being gifted crafters. She considers it an honor to carry on her ancestor’s teachings by teaching classes and going into schools to teach about beadwork. Rose believes that participating in beading is for anyone and everyone. Beading helps her stay grounded and connected and hope is that this can be received by others when they learn how to bead/ create beadwork. 

Rose is a Pomo, Wailacki, and Maidu. She is an enrolled tribal member with the Round Valley Indian Tribes, one of many tribes residing in Mendocino County.  Her family also descends from the Big Valley Rancheria Band of Pomo Indians, one of many tribes residing in Lake County. Both of these tribal groups are located in Northern CA.

Speaker: Rose Hammock

When: November 15, 2022, 7:00 pm PDT

Where: Zoom. Please RSVP to to receive the Zoom invitation.  A reminder will be sent out a few days before the event.

This event is free to paid members, or $5 to access this meeting only. To pay the $5, please contact To become a member, apply here.

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